Posted in Family Happenings

“Why are people staring at us?”

This is the question Daniel asked while we were all sitting together at Hornby Mall eating our lunch today. I got him to take a photo of what a family with 10 children looks like eating their lunch in a Mall. Here it is:

It was Joshua’s first shopping trip:

Ready to Roll

We found some trousers and shorts for Matthew on special, and trackpants for Tim, also on special. We also got a free sweatshirt for Susanna with lovely colourful designs on it. When I looked at it at home I found some of the design included skull and cross bones symbols and now she doesn’t want to wear it. We decided to find some fabric to sew over the offending parts.


Married, former nurse, 11 children, homeschooling, Christian, 48, like gardening, sewing, music making, art and craft, teaching children to read

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