Posted in Family Happenings

Greendale District Get-together

Thanks to the Red Cross Ladies we enjoyed a time at the Greendale Domain today. We brought our entries for best dressed scarecrow, biggest sunflower, largest pumpkin, and greatest potato yield. Susanna won “Funkiest Pumpkin” and Susanna and Tim won best dressed scarecrow. Matthew dressed himself up as a human scarecrow and acted the part. Daniel made a scared crow. It was a fun time.

Lily by the giant pumpkins. Susanna's is the tiny little one!
Lily by the giant pumpkins. Susanna’s is the tiny little one!
Daniel with his scared crow
Daniel with his scared crow
All the scarecrows including Matthew!
All the scarecrows including Matthew!



Married, former nurse, 11 children, homeschooling, Christian, 48, like gardening, sewing, music making, art and craft, teaching children to read

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