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Computer Fast

I was feeling rather annoyed at the amount of time my younger kids were spending on the computer each day. Yes, they were doing ‘useful’ stuff on it like learning coding, 3D animating, a strategy game and presentation software manipulation. But, it was robbing so much time and then they were not thinking of other things to do like reading or playing outside. So I said “For now, no more.”

The result is……reading, playing outside, playing with LEGO, more fights for them to solve, more drawing, more noise!, more life to the full. I like it.

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New Adventures at 16

My fifth born has finished homeschooling and is off to Polytechnic doing Electrical Engineering Pre-trade course to become an Electrician. And today he got his Learner Driver License. New adventures for 2018 and being 16 years old. So now I am only homeschooling five students!image

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Growing Veges in Small Spaces

The edge along the long driveway has been fully utilised. I was too late to get photos of the tomatoes that were grown in bags of soil and placed at points along this fence.
A colourful variety of lettuce on the south east corner at back of house
Worm farm for extra nutrients for plants
Sage growing under the grape vine which is growing along the southern fence
Silver beet growing well on southern side of house
Potato patch under the grape vine
Carrot and parsnip patch
Beans along western fence along driveway.
Kale along western fence
Green pepper and cucumber in pots along western fence
Potatoes drying off along western fence
More carrots along western fence
Fresh lettuces just planted where the tomatoes were
Pot of Pak Choi

I have been so inspired by my parents-in-law’s vege growing this year. They have a very small section but have been able to grow all sorts of green, red and yellow products for the table. They live down a very long back driveway and have utilised many small spaces. Here are 14 photos to show their work….




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Old Favourites in the Garden

Our biggest crops in the garden are zucchinis, carrots, leeks and cabbages. The carrots have done really well this year which is encouraging as 3/4 of last years went rotten for some unknown reason. We have over 1000 leeks planted which we use all winter. They don’t seem to mind the frosts at all. Zucchinis have overwhelmed us with fruit this year. We have some in the freezer for winter and my dear mother has made some into Zucchini and Cucumber Chutney using cucumbers from our greenhouse.

Matthew picks carrots for dinner
Matthew picks carrots for dinner
Lily and Becky in the leek patch
Lily and Becky in the leek patch
100 zucchini plants
100 zucchini plants
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Garden Experiments 2017

This year I have tried some new veges in the garden. It is fun to try something new and see how it goes for our family. Here are some photos of them:

Kohlrabi. These are a cross between turnips and cabbages. The leaves and bulb can be eaten.
Kohlrabi. These are a cross between turnips and cabbages. The leaves and bulb can be eaten.
Dwarf beans. These were planted in January and are beginning to flower
Dwarf beans. These were planted in January and are beginning to flower
Runner Beans. David put up this frame for me. We have had some feeds of beans so far. Yummy.
Runner Beans. David put up this frame for me. We have had some feeds of beans so far. Yummy.
Jerusalem artichokes. They are getting tall now. I am wondering what they will taste like?
Jerusalem artichokes. They are getting tall now. I am wondering what they will taste like?
Pak Choi. It grows really quickly. I am wondering if it would be a good greenhouse plant for late autumn
Pak Choi. It grows really quickly. I am wondering if it would be a good greenhouse plant for late autumn

What new things have you tried in the garden this year?




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Pumpkin Frame

Pumpkins seem to love to grow up trellis or wire netting. This year Daniel made me a pumpkin frame from tree branch trimmings and some scraps of fencing wire. The plants needed a bit of encouragement to start their climb up and over. Now there are some pumpkins forming. I wished I weeded a bit better when the plants were little as many plants didn’t survive the resulting shade nor find their way onto the frame.

Pumpkins are starting to form on the pumpkin frame
Pumpkins are starting to form on the pumpkin frame
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Christmas 2016

We did church at 9:30am with various family members taking part. Next we had Christmas Lunch with 2x grandparents, siblings and cousins. Lots of laughs with Adelaide’s new game, and David as a funny Santa. Happy Birthday Jesus: We are so glad you came!

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